Post-it Poetry

Outdoor dining is not the only thing coming on 12 April!

Date: 12 April
Venue:  Hungarian Cultural Centre London
10 Maiden Lane, WC2E 7NA London

Happy to go out on 12 April? Us too!!

The whole of Covent Garden is transforming into an open-air dining place for the upcoming months. To join the joy of the first night (day?) out, we are bringing colour and culture to London streets through our ‘Post-it Poetry’ installation.

Celebrating brilliant Hungarian poets with brilliant colours, we stamped some of the best pieces of Hungarian poetry on post-it notes on the Day of Hungarian Poetry. Our multicoloured #PostitPoetry wall invites every passer-by to take home their favourite poem on a fun little post-it note. Our colourful installation includes works by Attila József, Endre Ady, Ágnes Nemes Nagy, János Arany, Bálint Balassi, Krisztina Tóth and many more.

Take a walk in Covent Garden and take your favourite quote from our window at 10 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.

Share a photo or selfie, using #postitpoetry and @hungarian_culture_uk to win gifts!
