Várkonyi Csibészek Online Concert

Date: 12 June
Time: 17:00
Venue:  Online

Ando Glaso and the Hungarian Cultural Centre London is proud to invite you to the online concert of the Várkonyi Csibészek, to showcase a fine example of the rich Hungarian Roma culture to celebrate the 2021 Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month in the United Kingdom.

Guided and supported by the volunteer musicians and teachers of the Common Vibe Project, the Várkonyi Csibészek are a group of underprivileged Roma youths from one of the poorest areas in Hungary. Since 2017 the band has steadily gained local and global recognition through touring and YouTube for their raw and inspirational talent.

Join us online on 12 June to watch the incredible genius of the formation!
The video, including a short feature documentary about the Common Vibe Project will be broadcast on Facebook.

Common Vibe Project:
The goal of Common Vibe Project is to help the integration of Romani children in one of the poorest areas of Hungary. The foundation is using music to contribute to children’s personal development.

Common Vibe is a group where trained musicians and young Roma people living on the periphery create and play together. The common experience of creating music promotes respect and appreciation of the skills of others and the differences and helps the positive personality development of young people with behavioural, and self-esteem problems. Music helps to express emotion, improves concentration, the ability to learn.

This project is about creativity, self-expression, and acceptance.