Music - Theatre Premiere | Semmelweis

Date: 16 May
Time: 18:00
Venue:  Online event

Join us to watch the world premiere of a fascinating music-theatre piece, Semmelweis, followed by a Q&A session with composer Ray Lustig, librettist Matt Doherty and director Martin Boross.
Inspired by a tragic true story, the play takes us right to a nineteenth-century asylum in Austria where Hungarian obstetrician Ignác Semmelweis (1818-1865), who discovered the cure for a devastating epidemic - that doctors should wash their hands - but could not convince the world of the simple solution, spent his last days.
"Covid-19 has sparked a resurgent interest in his work, but in “Semmelweis,” New York-based composer Raymond J. Lustig tells his story as a musical “death dream” of sorts, with compelling beauty and eerie prescience." (The Washington Post)
A truly contemporary direction with powerful and rich musical composition, co-produced by Budapest Operetta Theatre and Bartók Plusz Opera Festival.

Streaming will be available by the joint forces of the Hungarian Cultural Centre London and Hungarian Cultural Centre New York on both Facebook pages.

Date: Saturday, 16 May 2020
Time: 2pm New York | 7pm London