Literary Nights | Introducing the Continental Literary Magazine

Date: 5 April
Time: 17:00
Venue:  Liszt Institute London
17-19 Cockspur St, London SW1Y 5BL

We invite you to join us for the for the launch of the Continental Literary Magazine’s debut issue: PREJUDICE.
The new magazine offers the best of Central European writing alongside original work by noted American authors. The first edition includes contributions from Roxane Gay, Noam Chomsky, and Judith Newman.
Join authors Anna Terék and Gábor T. Szántó, and Executive Director of Literature (Petőfi Cultural Fund) Dániel Levente Pál for an overview of this new publication and unique perspectives on the first issue's universal theme.

ANNA TERÉK: The author of five collections of Hungarian poetry and drama, including Duna utca (Danube Street), Vajdasági lakodalom (Vojvodina Feast), and Halott nők (Dead Women) which received several prestigious prizes. Her work has been translated into English, Spanish, Turkish, Croatian, German and Polish, among other languages. Her most recent collection, Háttal a napnak (Back on the Sun), was awarded the Milán Füst award. Her poetry has appeared in English in Hungarian Literature Online, One Hand Clapping, and Eurolitkrant.

GÁBOR T. SZÁNTÓ: Hungarian novelist, essayist, and editor-in-chief of Szombat (“Shabbat”), a Jewish political and cultural monthly. He has published several novels, collections of short stories, and a book of poetry. His novel Kafka macskái (Kafka's Cats) has been translated into Turkish and Czech, his short story collection 1945 és más történetek (1945 and Other Stories) has been translated into Italian, Chinese and Slovakian. The title story of this book was adapted to an internationally acclaimed feature film (1945) that won 20 awards and was distributed in 40 countries.  

DÁNIEL LEVENTE PÁL: is a poet, writer, circus dramaturg and director. He is the author of five poetry collections and two books of short stories. His writings have been translated into English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Serbian, Romanian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and Thai. Since 2016, he has been working for the Capital Circus of Budapest as a playwright and dramaturg. As a circus director, he won the Staféta Prize and the Special Prize of the 13th Budapest International Circus Festival.


Black Snow - by Anna Terék
We barged along the silence of that winter. Wheat fields labored in the choke of ice. By the barracks my father shifted from foot to foot. Nothing else moved in that frozen country. My mother, stock-still and angry. My sister and I, motionless. Motionless, other soldiers.
Available HERE.

Petőfi Literary Fund