Ghetto Love

Live Online Stage Reading

Date: 24 April
Time: 19:00
Venue:  Online

Opening with the events of the Holocaust, Tamas Reczei’s "Ghetto Love" elaborates on the aftermath of World War II and examines the post-traumatic experiences of subsequent generations.

The play is based on a real story: in Auschwitz, a Jewish boy saves a Gypsy girl by dragging her into a latrine.

This unexpected, selfless act leads to their marriage. After the survivor ages and grows terminally ill, his wife, daughter, and granddaughter visit his doctor. The women reveal their own stories and sorrows by means of inner monologue. We can hear their questions and the overlapping issues they deal with, however, we can only guess the answers. Dialectical tensions loom large: Jewishness and communism, assimilation and self-deception, constraint and voluntariness.

The play touches on sensitive themes as Jewish-Gypsy cohabitation as well as how psychological burdens impact the second and third generations of Holocaust survivors.

Running time: 90 min. The reading is followed by Q&A.

The event will be broadcasted online, live on Zoom. RSVP required.