European Poetry Festival 2020

Date: 3 December
Venue:  Online

Four talking heads. Three Hungarians. One vacuum cleaner.
They are poets, they are miserable, and they are cut off from the world. United by sardonic pride, they come together to represent their country and wage war on the dust bunnies of the mind in this poetic deepdive. A daring poetry film, The Hungarian Vacuum is part gripping mystery, part arthouse project, part literary podcast, part poetry reading, and part utter failure. You will have questions, but you’re not likely to get any answers.

An unusual literary event awaits viewers on 3 December. This year’s third European Poetry Festival brings together the continent’s most innovative young avant-garde poets, to present unique literary performances created specifically for the occasion.

In addition to the member institutions of EUNIC London, the largest poetic event in London has been supported by the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London since the beginning of 2018. Hungary will be represented in 2020 by Kornélia Deres, Kinga Tóth and Péter Závada at the large-scale festival, which, taking into account the challenges posed by the epidemic, will break out of the event halls for the first time this year.