Book Launch | George Mayer-Marton's Murals & Mosaics

An event to mark the publication of a new book about this fascinating Hungarian-born artist

Date: 22 March
Time: 18:00
Venue:  An event to mark the publication of a new book about this fascinating Hungarian-born artist

An event to mark the appearance of George Mayer-Marton's Murals & Mosaics. As part of the campaign to save George Mayer-Marton’s Crucifixion mural in an abandoned Catholic church in Oldham, Baquis Press is publishing an appraisal of its unique qualities and other works by this Hungarian-Jewish artist who settled in England in 1938.

Taking part are Clare A.P.Willsdon, Professor of the History of Western Art at the University of Glasgow; Gordon Millar, who assisted the artist in creating the murals during the 1950s and will talk about Mayer-Marton’s distinctive technique of ‘face’ mosaics; and Nick Braithwaite, Mayer-Marton’s great-nephew, who will lead the discussion. All three have contributed to the new publication.

The book is part of a series of Baquis Little Books, each one dedicated to a Hungarian visual artist who made Britain his home – and an offshoot of the 2018 publication Their Safe Haven: Hungarian Artists in Britain from the 1930s.