Book Launch | Ferenc Barnás: Parasite

Date: 27 May
Time: 18:00
Venue:  Online
Facebook Live

The Parasite was the first novel of Ferenc Barnás, published in Hungary in 1997. A hugely ambitious, disquieting book, borne of modern life, of the isolation that all too many people experience. Its themes are universal enough to have as much to say to readers in New York City or London, Tokyo or Moscow in 2021 as it did to those in the 1990s Hungary. The book, translated by Paul Olchváry, has finally been published in English, in late 2020 by Seagull Books.

Marked by powerful and evocative prose, the novel tells the fascinating story of a young man's journey through his strange obsessions towards possible recovery. The unnamed narrator is the parasite, feeding off others' ailments, but he is also a host who attracts people with the most peculiar manias.

Join us for a discussion between author Ferenc Barnás and translator Paul Olchvary, moderated by journalist, author and literary critic Nicholas Lezard.

The live stream of the discussion will be posted on Facebook.