Notti romane al Teatro Marcello - Concerto del PianoArts Duo

Data: 21 luglio
Ora: 16:30
Luogo:  Chiostro di Campitelli
Piazza Campitelli, 9 Roma

NOTTI ROMANE AL TEATRO DI MARCELLO - Concerti del Tempietto Festival Musicale delle Nazioni

CHIOSTRO DI CAMPITELLI - Piazza Campitelli, 9

Roma Mercoledì 21 Luglio 2021 ore 18.30
ore 19.45 – Visita guidata nei dintorni del Teatro di Marcello (riservata ai possessori del biglietto del Concerto) 

PianoArts Duo (piano 4 hands)
Julianna Kiss & Gabriella Adorján

In programma:

  • F. Schubert (Lebensstürme D 947)
  • S. Rachmaninov (Vocalise Op. 34. No. 14)
  • F. Chopin (Heroic Polonaise Op. 53)
  • Dvorak (Slavonic Dance Op. 72. No. 2)
  • F. Liszt (Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2)
  • E. Dohnányi (Waltz Op. 3)
  • F. Liszt (Hungarian Fantasy)

L'evento è stato organizzato in collaborazione con  AIMART e Danubia Talents. 

biglietti 36 - 25 - 14 euro
info +39 348 780 43 14

PianoArts Duo
The PianoArts Duo exists since 2013. The two pianists Julianna Kiss and Gabriella Adorjan play concerts together all over Europe. Their repertoi-re consists mainly of romantic and contemporary music literature, and they also like to play in crossover style. The duo has
won prizes at several international competitions, including the Concorso Musica Insieme in Venice and the Concorso Vincenso Vitti in Bari.

Julianna Kiss
Julianna Kiss has a concert diploma in piano from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pecs in Hungary. And received her Postgraduate de-gree from the MDW Unversitat für Musik und Darstellende Künste Wien.From 2012-2015 she studied Mentor teacher program and Kovács-method at the Budapest ELTE-PPK University. She attends the Postgra-duate Course in Universitat für Musik darstellende Kunst Wien. She re-ceived further impulses from professors of piano such as Sándor Falvai, László Gyimesi, Attila Némethy, Tamás Vásáry and Malcolm Bilson, Thomas Kreuzberger, Sun Ju Lee, Yuko Batik, Elio Orio. She won 15th Concorso Internazionale in Castellana Grotte. She works in Budapest as a sought-after piano teacher and is also employed by the city as a piano mentor. She is an enthusiastic representative and advertiser of Ková-csmethod, which takes an important part in her work. In 2013 she was awarded the national EMMI Bonis Bona Prize in Hungary for her talent promoting work. Her piano students have already won more than 300 prizes at national and international competitions. She hold masterclas-ses in Italy and Hungary. Julianna is the founder and artistic director of the Danubia Talents International Music Festival and Competition. She is also jury member at various international competitions in Catania, Rome, Xabia and Ischia… As a concert pianist she tours all over Europe.
Publications: dr. Kovács Géza Memory book

Gabriella Adorjan
The Hungarian-Swiss pianist Gabriella Adorjan was born into an artist pedagogue family in Transylvania and grew up in Budapest.
In 1994 Gabriella Adorjan won the Budapest Etudes Competition and the Budapest Youth Music Competition in piano. In the same year she performed a selelction of Scarlatti sonatas live on Hungarian Radio as a part of a radio programme for highly gifted young talents.
Gabriella was a piano student at the Szent Istvan Conservatory in Budapest in the piano class of Gyula Kiss and Angelika Hamori. She than studied piano at the Musik Akademie Basel, where she graduated in 2008 with a concert diploma in the class of Prof. Filippo Gamba. From 2009 to 2012 she studied piano chamber music at the Zurich University