Call for scholarship application of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary for the Balassi Summer University 2023

Call for scholarship application of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary for the Balassi Summer University 2023

Note: This document has been prepared in English as complementary material to the official Hungarian language call-for-application. In case of doubt, please refer to the original version and/or contact us.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (hereunder (MFA) based on the 241/2016. (VIII.16.) Government Decree and the 11/2022. (IX. 6) MFA Order on the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the MFA, within the Balassi Scholarship Programme with Márton Áron Scholarship invites applications for the BALASSI SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2023


The objective of the scholarship is to improve, broaden and strengthen the Hungarian language skills and cultural knowledge related to Hungary of the participants in the programme.


Besides the intensive learning of the Hungarian language, the Balassi Summer University offers lectures on Hungarian literature, history, geography, ethnography, history of theatre and cultural history. The students attend 80 Hungarian language classes, and they also participate in 40 classes/fieldwork/programmes of Hungarology. During the extracurricular programmes (excursion, museum visits, etc.) they can experience the Hungarian culture. At the end of the Hungarian language course, they will take a written exam. The four-week long course takes place in Budapest with the cooperation of the KKM Magyar Diplomáciai Akadémia Kft. (hereunder KKM MDA Kft.).


The duration of the programme is 4 weeks (17 July 2023 – 11 August 2023).

The scholarship includes:

  • full tuition fee
  • course material
  • accommodation
  • three meals a day
  • a 30-day pass for public transport
  • attending the cultural programmes
  • attending the excursion

Maximum number of scholarships to be awarded: 60


Individuals entitled to submit their applications are:

  •  of Hungarian descent, citizens and residents of the diaspora communities beyond the Carpathian Basin, who have reached the age of 18 at the start of the training, or
  • of non-Hungarian descent, citizens and residents of other countries, who have reached the age of 18 at the start of the training.
  • Volunteer work and any other activities related to the Hungarian culture are taken into consideration in the selection of the applicants.

For scholarship-holders class attendance is compulsory. Should a participant miss classes without any cause, or violate the Scholarship Agreement/ Adult Education Contract and/or Rules of House of the accommodation, he/she will lose immediately the right to continue the programme and the right to accommodation.


Deadline of applications: 9 May 2023, 24.00 (UTC+1)


Steps of application: The call for application is published in Hungarian at

in English at

1. Application website

Applications are to be submitted via the application website

Please visit the site, prepare and submit your application according to the information provided there.

2. Required documents

Required documentation and references for the application:

  • signed statement of the applicant (format: .pdf) [mandatory document]
  • CV (format: .doc, .docx) [mandatory document]
  • an approx. 200-word essay on why you would like to study in Hungary and how can utilize acquired knowledge at home country (format: .doc, docx) [mandatory document]
  • copy of (non-Hungarian) passport or travel documents recognised by Hungary (format: .pdf) [mandatory document]
  • in the case of applicants of non-Hungarian origin reference letter from a social organization (eg., school, foundation, church, scouts etc.); foreign representation of Hungary; visiting language instructor; visiting professor; recognized individual
  • in the case of applicants of Hungarian origin reference letter from foreign representation of Hungary; Hungarian organization; recognized individual of the Hungarian community; visiting language instructor; visiting professor or in the absence of above, a document proving Hungarian origin (format: .pdf) [recommended document].

Evaluation of the Application

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (responsible for operating the scholarship) makes decisions on the applications based on the proposal of the Evaluation Committee set up by MFA. The decision is binding on all applicants.

MFA will not consider applications submitted after the deadline and/or incorrectly and/or incompletely and/or illegibly. Missing application documents cannot be replaced.

Publication of the results

Applications will be evaluated by 26 May 2023 and applicants will be notified about the results within 3 workdays afterwards via e-mail by MFA. Successful applicants must confirm the acceptance of the scholarship via e-mail by 31 May 2023.

The scholarship does not cover the following expenses:

  • travel to and from Hungary
  • the fee of type "Other” visa, if necessary
  • health insurance (the participant has to cover the expenses of any medical treatment that might be necessary during his/her stay; as well as the participant must arrange his/her health insurance.)
  • cost of personal expenses


  • Signing Scholarship Agreement and Adult Education Contract with the KKM MDA Kft.
  • Any applicant providing unreal, false information on the datasheet, and/or making such a statement when applying, and/or withholding any fact or data concerning the assessment of the application may be excluded from the application procedure.
  • By submitting their application, applicants consent to the processing of their data on the application form by the MFA, by the decision-shaping bodies and decision-makers defined above for the time necessary for the decision - but not later than 11 August 2023.
  • The list of scholarship winners is public. By participating in the application, the applicant agrees that his/her name and nationality will be published on the website of the MFA if s/he is awarded a scholarship by the MFA.
  • Because of the epidemiological situation, we recommend that scholarship winners follow with attention the information on the government portal: Scholarship winners will be continuously informed about the tasks required to start the training and move into the accommodation and about the conditions according to the Hungarian legislation and/or the regulations of the scholarship programme.
  • The applicant acknowledges that the conditions of starting the training and moving to the accommodation will be determined by MFA and KKM MDA Kft. – according to the evolution of the epidemic situation, current Hungarian legislation and regulations related to the scholarship programme; will be specified no later than four weeks before the start of the programme and will be communicated by e-mail to the successful applicants.
  • The applicant acknowledges that, because of the epidemiological situation, the MFA may postpone the pre-planned start date of the Balassi Summer University (17 July 2023) in a serious situation may refuse to start the programme, may decide to suspend the programme and continue it after the suspension has been lifted, and may decide to apply a training period shorter than it is determined in this call for application. The applicant acknowledges that the implementation of professional programmes depends on the evolution of epidemic situation and related rules. The applicant undertakes that in the event of the occurrence of any of the above circumstances s/he does not file a claim for damages against the MFA or KKM MDA Kft. regarding this circumstance.
  • o start the training and move into the accommodation, we recommend that the scholarship winners have a certificate proving that he/she has received a vaccine against Covid-19 recognized by the Hungarian State. A vaccination certificate is possible in Hungarian or English:

• with a certificate in Hungary, which can be downloaded from the EESZT system or

• with European Union vaccination certificate or

• with the vaccination certificate accepted by Hungary, the list of countries can be found here:

and, in the absence of the above

• an official (medical) certificate in Hungarian or English, proving that the scholarship winner has received the required number of vaccinations recognized by Hungary.


Act XXV of 2022 on the central budget of Hungary for 2023, Annex 1, Chapter XVIII, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Title 7, Chapter 7, Chapter 1, Appropriations, Article 33, Scholarships and other training programmes for foreigners. Act on State Finances NO: 381084

Amount: HUF 59.989.980


For further information please contact:

Ms. Daniella Vörös E-mail:; Phone: +36 1 800 9482

Address: H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 57., III. building, 1st floor, room 102.

Further information on the webpage of MFA–Balassi Scholarship Programme: