Call for applications for Hungarian State Scholarships 2024/2025

Call for applications for foreigners for summer university courses in the summer of 2024

Based on the financial support of the Hungarian Government, Tempus Public Foundation offers scholarships for foreign higher education students, graduates and professionals who would like to gain further knowledge in Hungarian summer university courses, in the field of Hungarian as a foreign language, Hungarian studies and thematic (non-linguistic) courses.

Hungarian State Scholarships are based on the bilateral agreement of the two countries, signed by the Hungarian Government or relevant ministry and the relevant ministry of the given country or territory. Such applicants are entitled to apply for scholarships defined in the agreement.
Hungary has a bilateral agreement with many countries thanks to which you may pursue a scholarship activity in Hungary as a nominee of your sending home country. Information regarding the application procedure, internal deadlines and the pre-assessment and shortlisting of applications is in the scope of duties of Tempus Public Foundation and the responsible department of the national/territorial ministry of education. Applicants need to submit an application to the sending country, as well as to Tempus Public Foundation. Applications nominated by the sending country take priority.
If there is no such agreement between the two countries, in case of many sending countries it is possible to apply individually, independently from your country. The list of the possible sending home countries can be found below.
Applications may be submitted in two ways:
As a nominee of the sending country’s national scholarship organisation, you may apply from the following countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
Independently, without being nominated, the citizens of the following countries may apply individually, directly to Tempus Public Foundation:
Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, USA.

The following are not entitled to apply or are not eligible for a scholarship:
 Hungarian citizens (except those with dual citizenships), persons granted a refugee status (“menekült”), persons enjoying temporary protection (“menedékes”), persons admitted for subsidiary protection (“oltalmazott”) and persons granted humanitarian protection (“befogadott”),
Please note that this requirement is not only for applicants but for Scholarship Holders as well; it means that, e.g., if you obtain Hungarian citizenship or refugee status during your studies in Hungary, you automatically lose your scholarship status.
 Foreign citizens with an immigration/ settlement permit or in the course of applying for such a permit in Hungary,
 Foreign citizens with permanent residence in Hungary,
 Foreign citizens employed as defined by the Hungarian Labour Law,
 Foreign citizens residing in Hungary,
 Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holders or other Hungarian-state or EU scholarship holders for the same purpose and time period
 Self-financed/fee-paying students of a Hungarian higher education institution already studying in Hungary
 Applicants born after 28 March 2006 (Applicants must be over 18 at the time of submitting the application. There is no age limit.)
 Those former Hungarian State Scholarship holders who were awarded scholarships in the 2021/22 or in the 2022/23 or in the 2023/24 application round, but after accepting their scholarship, did not travel to Hungary and did not start their studies, nor did they notify Tempus Public Foundation and the organizing Higher Education Institution of this fact.

2024 summer courses (2-4 weeks)
Organizer institutions offer Hungarian as a foreign language, Hungarology and thematic (non-linguistic) courses for foreign (non-native Hungarian speaker) participants.
Applicants may select 3 options in order of preference from the list provided in the appendix of this Call for application (Annex 1) and on However, the scholarship allows scholarship holders to participate only in one course. The placement of the applicants depends on the capacity of the receiving institutions; therefore, applicants may be accepted in either of the institutions they selected previously, independently from their order of preference. Please note that after the application deadline, the selected courses and the order of preference cannot be changed by the applicant! We also highly encourage the applicants to increase their chances of receiving the scholarship by applying for not only one but three courses in total.

Scholarships have to be implemented during the summer of 2024. The duration and length of summer university courses are predefined and cannot be changed. The scholarship can only be used within the implementation period, it cannot be postponed to the following academic year. At most one application can be submitted for summer courses (in case of several applications, the last one will be considered as valid). Students may submit another application for partial/semester studies, full degree studies1 or for study visits in case they do not overlap in time. The applicant can thus be granted with a second scholarship if there is no time overlap between the two and if the budgetary allocations make it possible. Scholarship holders must stay in Hungary during the entire period of their studies.

The scholarship is the participation fee which includes the classes, accommodation and meals. Travel expenses to Hungary, within Hungary and back to the country of origin are not covered by Tempus Public Foundation.

Applicants should submit their applications in the online application system of Tempus Public Foundation. After registration, the applicants are able to access the application system and upload the required documents. Applications should be submitted; only saved applications will not be considered. Please note that no applications will be accepted without the online submission and after the deadline. No hard copies are required. A guide for the online system is available to download from the website.

Please note that we can only accept complete applications submitted before the deadline through the online system. Applications submitted via post or e-mail will not be accepted.
Before starting the online procedure, please read our Application Guide (see Annex 2) carefully and do not wait until the last few days to apply.

The deadline for submitting the complete application:
Thursday, 28 March 2024, 5 pm (Central European Time)
The online application system can be reached here:
Please, keep your PASSWORD or APPLICANT CODE used for registration as you will need them later.
In case of several applications, the last one will be considered as valid.

Please note that the applications will be evaluated professionally based on the documents submitted, so please make sure to provide all the necessary information and attachments listed in this call.
Please note, that applicants applying (being nominated) under the bilateral agreement system should submit their applications and required documents to the organization responsible for scholarships in the sending relation, too. These scholarship offices or responsible ministries work with individual deadlines. Applicants are advised to contact the responsible organisation of their sending country as soon as possible so that the given relation can officially rank and nominate the applications to Tempus Public Foundation.

Applications have to include the below-listed documents.
The language of the documents can be Hungarian, English, or the language of the course. If they are not written in either of these languages, their official Hungarian or English translations must also be attached. (Documents with the stamp and signature of the issuing institution on letterhead can be considered as official, there is no need to have it translated by a translator office.)
Please note that only files with a maximum size of 4 MB can be uploaded in the system.

Application Documents Detailed Requirements Application form
- applicants must fill out and save all requested information on the online application form in English
- a recent photo of the applicant (taken not earlier than 2 years before the submission of the application) Motivation Letter
- minimum 1 page, typed in Times New Roman 12-point letters
- written in Hungarian, English or the language of the selected course. Proof of language proficiency (Hungarian, English or the language of the selected course)
- in case of Hungarian language courses, if the applicant has a Hungarian knowledge, it can be any type of Hungarian language exam certificate, or a formal certificate (in Hungarian or English) issued by the sending institution/workplace, foreign Hungarian Institute or a Hungarian consul, marking the level of the knowledge.
- without a Hungarian knowledge: any kind of certificate of an at least B2-level English knowledge2 (for example language exam certificate or a certificate issued by a language department or lectorate, foreign Hungarian Cultural Institute written in Hungarian or English) because the mediatory language is English in the courses.
- scanned copy of the original proof of language proficiency of the selected course.
- in case the student has completed his/her previous level of studies in the language of the selected study programme, a proof can be uploaded about the fact that the language of education was the same as the language of the course that the applicant is now applying for
- translations only have to be attached if the copy of the original document is not in the language of the selected course or in Hungarian or English Transcript of Records OR Diploma AND its translations in Hungarian or English or in the
- for higher education students: copy of the original transcript of records regarding the last completed semester
- for graduates: copy of the highest degree/diploma of higher
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): language of the selected course education
- translations only have to be attached if the copy of the original document is not in the language of the selected course or in Hungarian or English Letter of Recommendation
- issued by a teacher of the sending higher education institution/employer regarding the summer course in Hungary, discussing the applicant's preparation skills and qualities, motivation, and the usefulness potential benefits of the scholarship period. (dated, stamped and signed on institutional letterhead with contact details)
- written in Hungarian, English or the language of the selected course. Copy of Identification Document
- provided that the applicant already has a passport, a scanned copy of the passport’s data page should be uploaded
- in case the applicants do not yet have a passport, they should upload the scanned copy of their national ID card
- that page has to be uploaded which contains both the personal data and the photograph of the applicant Acceptance of Statement for Application AND Privacy Statement
- all applicants need to accept the “Privacy Statement” in the online application system
- all applicants need to accept “Statement for Application” by downloading and signing the document, and uploading the scanned copy to the application system. The applicant’s name and signature must be on the Statement for Application. It has to be properly signed by the applicant; it should be signed with a pen and not typed!

Please note that, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in European Union law, you need to give your consent regarding data protection and accept our statements in order to be able to submit your application. These consents appear in the system after registration.

Please contact Tempus Public Foundation in one of the following ways in case you need any further information:
Tempus Public Foundation
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Postal address:
1438 Budapest 70, Postafiók: 508
Email admail address:dress:,
Phone: (+36 1) 237--13001300