Calls for applications for Bilateral State Scholarships in Hungary for study visits, full-degree studies and partial/semester studies during the academic year 2023-2024
Based on the financial support of the Hungarian Government, Tempus Public Foundation announces scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024 for
- partial/semester studies,
- full degree studies, as well as
- research study visits
in Hungarian higher education institutions, research or art institutes.
Foreign high school graduates, higher education graduates, lecturers, researchers and artists may apply. The range of available scholarship types vary according to the sending country of the applicant.
Date of publication: 23.11.2022
Application deadline: 23.02.2023
Bilateral state scholarships are based on scientific and educational cooperation agreements signed by the governments of two countries. Similarly to the foreign partner, the Hungarian side offers scholarships for foreign students, researchers or lecturers in higher education institutions or in scientific or art institutions. Each foreign partner has a national scholarship office which is responsible for nominating potential outgoing scholars to foreign partner(s), as well as arranging their and the potential incoming foreign applicants’ application process. These offices work within or related to the particular ministries of education. In Hungary, the national scholarship office is Tempus Public Foundation, a background organisation of the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM).
Scholarships can be applied for in two ways:
1) Being nominated by the home country
In this case, applicants first submit their applications to their national scholarship office, as required by the office. (The national office assesses them along a number of criteria and prepares a nomination list of the successful applicants.) The scholars also need to submit an application into Tempus Public Foundation’s online system. Tempus Public Foundation receives its foreign partner office’s list of nominated scholars.
2) Submitting an individual application
If not being nominated by the home country, applicants simply need to submit their applications into Tempus Public Foundation’s online system.
In both of the above cases, after submission, applications are assessed by the Hungarian side: first, a formal eligibility check is made, then Tempus Public Foundation’s external experts score the applications along several professional criteria. As a result, applicants (and in the case of country nomination, the national offices, as well), are informed about the decision (acceptance/rejection) directly by email. Tempus Public Foundation also sends other necessary information in order to help organise and start the stay in Hungary.
For information about bilateral state scholarship types available in Hungary please, click HERE
Partner countries
Applications may be submitted by citizens of the relations listed in and depending on the specific conditions of the Calls for application: Calls for application
Available scholarship types
bachelor or master or doctoral semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
full degree bachelor or master or doctoral studies (36/24/36 months respectively)
short or long-term study visits (3 days - 10 months)
summer courses (2-4 weeks)
National scholarship offices in the foreign partner relations
Should you wish to get more information about scholarships directly from your country/territory, you may contact the local scholarship office which is in general integrated into the national ministry of education or is a separate background organisation of it.
Financial provisions
Accepted applicants are entitled to participate in courses free of charge, as well as to receive a stipend. The stipend may be completed by a supplement, an accommodation contribution, etc. all depending on the type of scholarship.
The stipend is paid either by the receiving institution, by Tempus Public Foundation, or by the sending country, also depending on the type of scholarship.
For details (exact amounts, etc.), please read the Calls for application.
Calls for application
You may read details about the general application conditions, provisions, documents to be submitted, etc. within the Calls for application for the academic year 2022-2023:
- Scholarship Types: Mester/partial studies - Duration: 3-10 months - Eligibility: bachelor or master or doctoral -23 February 2023, 11 pm CET - call for application
- Scholarship Types: Full degree studies -Duration: 36/24/36 months - Eligibility: espectively bachelor or master or doctoral - 23 February 2023, 11 pm CET - call for application
- Scholarship Types: Short or long-term study visits - Duration: 3 days - Eligibility: 10 months - master or doctoral - 23 February 2023, 11 pm CET
- Scholarship Types: Summer course - Duration: 2-4 weeks - Eligibility: bachelor or master or doctoral - call for application
Should you need more information, you may contact your bilateral state scholarship officer according to your country of origin.