Asztalos Lilla előadásának dátuma: szept. 28. vagy 29.
Asztalos Lilla rövid életrajza (angolul):
I'm Lilla Asztalos, mechanical engineer, currently a PhD student at the Department of Material Science and Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. My research area is the investigation of the mechanical and corrosion damages of implants and the fourth industrial revolution in the medical field. From a very young age, the technical profession has attracted me, the medical-engineering field found me during my university years and immediately captivated me. In addition to my research, I place a strong emphasis on science communication, which is the only way we can break down the walls that pseudodoctors and pseudoscientists have raised between society and reality.
Az előadás címe, témája (angolul):
Every day we hear about an innovation with robotic surgeons, 3D printed organs, diagnostic tools based on big data analysis, but why then we’d rather turn to Dr. Google than to our health care provider. The novel factors have many advantages, but we must also bear in mind the new threats that new areas face. Lilla Asztalos, mechanical engineer and winner in FameLab Hungary 2019, stays away from the typical sensationalism about innovations and has a balanced approach towards the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the medical field. As a PhD student at the Department of Material Science and Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Lilla’s research area is the investigation of the mechanical and corrosion damages of implants while her personal beliefs are that science communication based on facts and a critical view is the only way to break down the walls of pseudoscience.
Angol nyelvű előadás bolgár fordítással
A fesztivál programja (BG)
Az esemény a British Council szervezésében és a Szófiai Magyar Intézet támogatásával valósul meg.
A magyar részvétel a KKM Tudománydiplomáciai Főosztálya anyagi támogatásának köszönhető.