A six-member delegation of the Hungarian Hussars and Military Traditionalists Association, the members of the Bakonyi Poroszkálók, were hosted for the second time at Croatia's largest millitary heritage event, at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sinji Alka. The Hungarian Hussars, who arrived at the tournament on the 3rd of August 2023, travelled over700 kilometres on horseback from Várpalota to Sinj. The event, organised by the Liszt Institute in Zagreb, was attended by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Hungarian President Katalin Novák.
The Sinji Alka is an outstanding jousting tournament in Europe and it has been held for over 300 years to commemorate the Ottoman siege of Sinj in 1715. According to a legend, it was on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary of Sinj saved the town from falling into the hands of the Turks.
The Sinji Alka Knights' Association has many excellent international contacts, and last year's Alka (meaning knights’ tournament) was the first time that Hungarian partners were welcomed. Thanks to the continued coordination and assistance of the Liszt Institute in Zagreb, the leaders of the associations have agreed to send Hungarian hussars on horseback to the 308th Sinji Alka Games in 2023. The journey of the six-man team was supported by the Ministry of Defence, the Office of the President Hungary, and the Hungarian Hussars and Military Heritage Association on the Hungarian side, and the Bjelovar Border Guards - Hussars 1756 Historical Corps during the Croatian part of the juerney. The Hungarian hussars, including a 12-year-old girl, arrived in Sinj on the 3rd of August 2023, where all the Sinj braves lined up on horseback to welcome the Hungarian hussars as they rode in, broadcasted live on the Croatian Nova Tv. The next day, the Bakony Poroszkálók Heritage Association, Tibor Székely, President of the Hungarian Hussars and Military Heritage Association, and dr. Anna Mladenovics, Head of the Liszt Institute in Zagreb, were welcomed by Mario Šušnjara, minority leader of Alka and Stipe Jukić, President of the Alka Vitézi Society. On the 6th August 2023, the Hungarian delegation was welcomed by the Mayor of Sinj, Miro Bulj, who thanked the Hungarian people for the man and horse enterprise with which they had honoured Sinj.
The patron of the 308th Sinji Alka jousting tournament was Croatian President Zoran Milanović, and this year's patron of the games was President Katalin Novák, who attended the event along with her family. The event was traditionally attended by prominent Croatian national and local political figures, the highest ecclesiastical dignitaries and other high-ranking officials from the political and economic spheres.
The Hussars' journey was followed by the Croatian media and the tournament was broadcasted live on Croatian national television and radio (HRT).