A Nation Dismembered - The 1920 Treaty of Trianon in Hungarian Poetry


A Nation Dismembered - The 1920 Treaty of Trianon in Hungarian Poetry
- an anthology

The peace treaty closing the First World War in 1920 signed at the Trianon Palace, Versailles divided Hungary into five parts, tearing apart families and friends. This anthology commemorates the tragic event through selected poems translated to English written by outstanding Hungarian poets.

Selected and Edited by Csilla Bertha and Gyula Kodolányi

Based on the Hungarian selection of Zoltán Bíró

Published by Hungarian Review and the Batthyány Lajos Foundation, Budapest, 2019

215 pages

„This remarkable collection by Hungary’s major poets, available for the first time in contemporary translations into English demonstrates that for one hundred years these poets, as their predecessors had before them under equally terrible circumstances, articulated those national values that the works of Babits, Kosztolányi and Móricz, and later of Attila József and Gyula Illyés, provided more than ample evidence of their resolve never to cease from searching for ways of cooperation in Central Europe; they constantly sought to foster cultural relations along the Danube Valley. Why should they have remained silent about what they felt was a bitterly tragic turn of history?”

Béla Pomogáts, 1996