Hungarian Language Courses


Hungarian, a language difficult but exciting to learn? Come and check it out with us!

We offer Hungarian language courses ranging from beginner to advanced level.
90 minute classes are taught to groups of 4 to 12 students, once a week in the evening. Necessary explanations are given in English or in French.
Our courses are focused on communication skills, while building a solid grammatical base.
As language learning material we use Magyar-OK (authors: Szita and Pelcz, edition of the Pécs university): course book, grammar exercise book and a very rich and user-friendly web site. This is supplemented by exercises and games of our own creation, and by authentic texts, based on the needs and interests of the group.

More information about prices, classes and language levels on this website:

Contact:Language teachers: Judit Bokor & Nati Fapál
Tel.: 0487157634


Hungarian Development Center, Bld Bischoffsheim 11., 1000 Bussels.
2. Classroom assured by the Hungarian Cultural Institute: Place St Gudule 25., 1000 Brussels.

Easy access by public transport (metro lines 2 and 6).