X. Transpoésie

International Poetry Festival

Date: 14 September - 18 October
Venue:  Online event
European Poetry Platform VERSOPOLIS


For its 10th birthday the TRANSPOESIE festival, created by EUNIC Brussels, will partner up with the European Poetry Platform VERSOPOLIS.
The events will be virtual, the celebration undeniable! Shared throughout Europe simultaneously, TRANSPOESIE and VERSOPOLIS’ websites are the places to be.
September 14th – October 18th 2020
Transpoesie on Brussels’ public transportation: 25 original poems with their translation! Metro, bus or tram - however you commute, keep an eye out for poetry on your route. Since 10 years TRANSPOESIE celebrates language diversity, inspired by the European Day of Languages marked on the 26th of September every year.

At the festival Hungary will represented by Noémi László.

NOÉMI LÁSZLÓ, poet, laureate of the József Attila prize. She was born in 1973, in Cluj. She has published ten volumes of poetry for children and adults. She works as an editor for the Cluj-based children’s literature magazines Rainbow and Sunshine. Her latest volume: Aerobatics, 2000, Gutenberg Publishing, Miercurea-Ciuc, illustrated by Andrea Kürti. She is a member of the Hungarian Writers’ Union and of the Society of Hungarian Authors.

East Wind

in my very first summer camp,
at six ,after an episode of jaundice, silently
I wandered about while the others let the sea
dribble through their fingers into sand,
my eyes filled with the turbid,
jellyfished water of solitude
that unfolded to the level
of the horizon.