International colloquium on the work of the Hungarian architect Károly Kós

Date: 17 March
Time: 17:00
Venue:  Liszt Institute Brussels
10 Treurenberg, 1000 Brussels

Károly Kós (1883-1977) was an architect, writer, graphic designer, publisher, teacher, and defender of Hungarian heritage. Faced with a soulless and tasteless modernity, he proposed an ethical and aesthetic approach to culture, based on tradition and innovation. Rooted in a particular landscape and community, his regionalist path contributed to the development of Transylvanianism, a movement that is both Hungarian (linked to the origins of Hungarian culture) and specifically Transylvanian. This colloquium will examine the foundations of his thought and the conditions of his artistic practice, in the context of the crisis of culture in Europe in the 20th century.

18.00 - Welcome
18.15 - Opening of the exhibition
18.30 - "The aesthetic foundations of Károly Kós' thought" - Anthony Gall (architect, Budapest)
19.00 - "Károly Kós, the 'Young' group and the quest for the Hungarian style" - Dániel Veress (PhD in history, ELTE-EHESS)
19.30 - "Two contemporary vernacular architectures: the Transylvanian style of Károly Kós and the neo-basque style of Henri Godbarge" - Henri de Montety (historian, Revue des Etudes Hongroises)
20.00 - "Musical and architectural motifs in Transylvania: Károly Kós, Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály" - Lőrinc Csernyus (architect, Budapest)

The conference is realised in the framework of the BANAD.
