Hungarian Fantasies

Date: 4 May
Time: 17:00
Venue:  Brussels
10 Treurenberg, 1000

During her stay at the famous Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, the young pianist Anna Weber developed a real passion for Hungarian music. She began to explore the lesser-known repertoire of Bartók and Kodály, while searching for a certain expressiveness in this traditional music that is also intrinsically linked to the Hungarian language and on which all its originality rests. Back in Luxembourg, she joined forces with saxophonist Hy-Khang Dang to form a duo in order to compose a program around Hungarian music that seeks to integrate popular melodies with various works of classical music.

Hy-Khang Dang (saxophones)

Hy-Khang Dang is one of the most versatile musicians of his generation. He works as a performer, composer and conductor. Since the beginning of his musical career, he has had an ambitious and unique training. He studied saxophone, conducting, writing and generative improvisation at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel and at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris. In 2013, he won the first prize in the International Composition Competition "Artistes en herbe". His works have been performed by various ensembles, including the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra. Moreover, the Ministry of Culture recently awarded him a commission for a work that was given a world premiere by the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra during the 2019/20 season. As a laureate of the Fonds Culturel National and of the Fondation Michelle, he is also a member of the "Music Education Academy" at the Philharmonie Luxembourg and the Academy of Contemporary Music of the Ensemble Linea at the Cité de la musique et de la danse in Strasbourg.




Anna Weber (piano)

Born in Luxembourg in 1996, Anna Weber received her Master's degree in artistic piano in the class of Prof. Eric Le Sage at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg in 2021. After finishing her studies at the Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg in the class of Prof. Béatrice Rauchs at the age of 18 ("Diplôme du Prix supérieur en piano"), she continued her Bachelor's studies at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (class of Tilman Krämer) and at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest (classes of Prof. Jenö Jandó, Katalin Falvai). She has performed in Luxembourg, Germany, France, Hungary, Latvia and Slovenia, among others in recital at the Cercle Munster Luxembourg, at the St. Saviour's Church in Riga, in Freiburg, as well as recently at the "Klingendes Musikerviertel in Herdern" and at the "Oberstdorfer Musiksommer". She has attended various masterclasses by Boris Berman, Konrad Elser, Edith Fischer, Jorge Pepi-Alós, among others, and was supported by the Adelhausenstiftung Freiburg i. Breisgau in 2021. Anna is a passionate chamber musician and is a member of various instrumental and Lieder formations.