We both have truths. Are mine the same as yours?

The Battle for Cybersecurity in the Light of the Mateverse, AI and Cybercrime

Date: 3 November
Time: 18:00
Venue:  Liszt Institute Brussels
10 Treurenberg, 1000

Cybercrime amounts to a loss of 6.000 billion dollars a year. That's a colossal number. That is even a thousand billion short of the loss of all the top 100 disasters in the last 100 years. From state-sponsored actors to highly organized cybercrime gangs, over the previous two years, there was a whopping 600 percent increase in the number of cybercrime groups. It is a booming business.

Ransomware is now provided as a service (RaaS), and phishing scams are getting more sophisticated, automated, and personalized using clever scripting and AI, leading to a new theme: AIC (AI Crime). Hackers began using AI to target more persons and businesses with more intelligence.

Such developments, AR/VR, the Metaverse, IoT, wearable tech, and 5G-enabled solutions, bring us to the question of the authenticity of people and content in cyberspace. Authenticity is an essential asset of these digital innovations and services. As such, it is the trust capital of social and technological systems.

Cybersecurity is a technology-heavy industry at the center of solving all that trouble, while many issues have their roots in social sciences and not in engineering. So let's see where we can go from here.

Arthur Keleti

Arthur Keleti

Arthur Keleti is a Cyber-secret futurist, IT Security strategist, speaker, writer, and movie producer. Founder and main organizer of the long-running East-European cybersecurity grand conf-expo ITBN, the event showcased a popular two-day virtual TV program in 2021. The President and founder of the Voluntary Cyber Defence Collaboration. He is the author of "The Imperfect Secret," a book on cyber-secrets and the future of AI-based privacy. As a researcher, he is a speaker of local and international events and a guest on TV and radio programs. His focus of interest is the future of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and the social and technological impacts of digitalizing human and organizational secrets. He is also an Executive Producer of the movie SIGHT: Extended, a stunning, Augmented Reality themed Sci-Fi thriller. He has worked for T-Systems Hungary as IT Security Strategist since 1999.