10 Treurenberg, 1000 Brussels
Andó-Beck Boróka, a composer and singer from Pécs, who works under the artist name Boebeck. Her uniquely toned songs debuted in 2021 on her first debut single. In addition to her creative work in recent years, boebeck has given several concerts at prestigious light music events, and in 2021 he made her debut in Pécs at the E78 and in Budapest on the A38 Boat as a guest of the Lázár Tesók. Fishing on Orfű and STRAND festivals.
In 2021, boebeck opened the Hungarian reception of Waves Vienna. During the autumn period, she took part in several new publicity programs, was chosen as one of the top 16 at the FRAMEWORK of the FRAME, gave a concert at the Music Hungary Conference showcase festival, and also performed as a guest of Mmamt and Carson Coma.