Bartók Symposium

Date: 14 December - 16 December
Time: 18:00
Venue:  Liszt Institute Brussels & The Royal Library of Belgium

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 7:00 pm Official opening - Liszt Institute Brussels
Welcome Speeches:
Adrienne Éva Burányi, director of Liszt Institute Brussels
Frédéric Lemmers, Member of the Executive Board – KBR
Lecture: Dr. Francis Maes (UGent) - “Twentieth Century Music: How does Bartók fit in?”
Concert:  “Bartók - Liszt” by Levente Kende, piano

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 (Royal Library of Belgium – Auditorium Arthur De Greef)
12:30 pm Lecture - Concert
Péter Tornyai - “Does Bartók Quote Mélisande’s Death In His 2nd String Quartet?”
An Attempt to Correct a Semicentennial Inaccuracy
Dohnányi Quartet - Béla Bartók – String Quartet No.2

Symposium session 1 - Chair Gilbert De Greeve
2:30 pm Dr. László Vikárius - Bartók’s Bach Borrowings
3:30 pm Dr. Viola Biró - “…to reflect the spirit of peasant music”: The dance music of Bihor and Maramureş in Bartók’s compositions
4:30 pm Break
5:00 pm Concert - Dohnányi Quartet
Ludwig von Beethoven – String Quartet No. 15 in A minor (Opus 132)
Béla Bartók – String Quartet No.1

Thursday, December 16, 2021 (Royal Library of belgium – Auditorium Arthur De Greef)
Symposium session 2 - Chair Gilbert De Greeve
10:00 am Dr. Malcolm Gillies (online) - “Influence, inspiration and intrigue: Bartók’s knowledge of his contemporaries’ music”
11:00 am Dr. Carl Van Eyndhoven - “You are not going to publish this opinion, are you?”
Dille's reflections on influence and inspiration in Bartók's music.
12:30 pm Concert - Julien Libeer, piano
“Bach – Bartók – Debussy”

Béla Bartók Archives of Belgium – Fonds Denijs Dille
The Royal Library of Belgium
Liszt Institute Brussels

With the partnership of the Budapest Bartók Archives

Practical information & reservation:
All the lectures and the concerts are free. Reservation advised.
Entry requierements according to the instructions of the Belgian authorities.