Treurenberg 10, 1000 Brussels

In the framework of the next online event of the Belgian Club of Hungarian Sciencists, Dr. Csaba Pál, biologist will talk about the antibiotic research program of the National Laboratory of Biotechnology.
On 11 October 2021 at 7 PM you can follow the online lecture live on our Facebook page.
Dr Csaba Pál was born in Budapest in 1975 and received his Doctorate in Science (DSc) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2018. Since 2008 he has been a researcher and scientific consultant at the Biological Research Centre in Szeged, Hungary. He is the Head of the antibiotic research program of the National Laboratory of Biotechnology supported by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in Hungary. The Pal lab described the Achilles heels of antibiotic resistant bacteria that can be exploited by specific antibiotic cocktails in the clinics. In addition, the group has developed new methods that allows predicting future evolution of resistance against antibiotic that have not reached the market yet. Csaba Pal is a member of Academia Europaea (2016), the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO, 2017) and Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS 2018) and works in the Editorial Boards of numerous scientific journals.
The Csaba Pál Lab works on understanding evolutionary processes using tools of laboratory evolution, computational systems biology, and genome engineering. Our interest includes antibiotic resistance, genome evolution, and metabolic networks.