Hungarian Voices


Hungarian writers take the stage at the Construct Europe festival in Mechelen

After the great success of Spanish Voices/Voces en Español in December 2023, the non-profit association Cultural Bridges in Belgium (CBiB) in Mechelen, in collaboration with the International Literature House Passa Porta and the theater arsenal, will organise a festival in October 2024 entitled Hungarian Voices.

Hungarian Voices aims to showcase the richness and beauty of the Hungarian language and literature. To this end, four contemporary writers, poets and literary translators have been invited to Mechelen to read from their own works/translations.

The speakers are:

András Forgách

Ádám Nádasdy

Mari Alföldy

Sven Cooremans (BE)

The event will be bilingual in Dutch and Hungarian with translation (projected).

Moderator: Nicky Aerts (VRT, Klara)

Translator: Hedwig Gerits (CLT - KULeuven CVO)

Musical performance: Tcha Limberger, violinist


Date: 20. October 2024 15:00-18:00

Venue: Het Predikheren, Mechelen


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