Brussels City of stories - a STORY FESTIVAL of encounters of Brussels citizens in and around public transport

Brussels City of Stories is a participatory project that aims to inhabit the territory of Brussels in a poetic way by filling the city with the stories of the people who live there.

We all have a story, but mostly stories! Funny or not so funny, beautiful or surprising, true or imaginary, stories follow us wherever we go and cross paths through the encounters that connect people and places.

Brussels, with its 180 nationalities and almost a hundred languages, is full of stories that are just waiting to be told!

For this 2nd edition, on 4 June 2022, Brussels City of Stories: Connections will fill the transport space with stories of encounters in which they are the setting.

The deadline for submitting stories is 1 April.

For more information, please visit this page.

  • WHO?

Any person, association or organisation is welcome!


Stories of encounters in or around Brussels transport

  •  HOW?

Poems, drawings, micro stories, comics, videos, audio clips, you name it!

Lack of inspiration? You can also use the TOOLKIT

  • WHEN?

Collection of stories :

15 December 2021 - 1 April 2022


Which formats?


A word, a haiku, a poem, a quote, ... This ticket allows you to express your impressions of the moment in a short form, during a train or tram journey.


Like Philippe Geluck's Cat, we challenge you to tell us your story in three comic strips!


A blank page to tell or imagine the story of a person you meet at random in the metro, a surprise conversation between two strangers or an everyday adventure. It's also a sheet of paper on which to draw, paint, glue...


+32 476 09 81 85

Call this number to leave us your story in the form of an audio clip! In a maximum of 2 minutes, tell us your story, specifying the type of transport and where it took place, and why this encounter made an impression on you.


  • Online via this form
  • In the partners' collection boxes. Download the TOOLKIT and drop it in the collection boxes of one of the organising institutions (Muntpunt, Le 140, Passa Porta of La Foire Du Livre de Bruxelles)
  • Via email: